Nissa's tight little story "They Only Like the Dark" compelled us with its strong imagery and emotional weight. We understand the challenge of packing in just enough (and not too much) to a short piece and appreciate both the work and the restraint required. Read on below to hear about what moves Nissa to write!
What compels you to write or create, even when it's hard?
I feel compelled to write because, otherwise, the stories and characters will just whirl about in my head and stress me out. Getting them down on the page helps to quiet my mind.
What other creative endeavors do you pursue?
I’ve been known to dabble in collage and crochet. I also enjoy creating the covers for my self-published books.
Do you collect anything?
Tracing my family tree is an ongoing hobby, so I like to joke that I collect dead people.
What's a movie you return to again and again?
That’s probably Paul, the comedy about the alien. It’s just so refreshing to see an alien movie that portrays our space siblings in a positive light.
What's your process for naming characters?
Sometimes I’ll look for a meaningful name. Other times, I’ll turn to my family tree to find a unique, old-timey name.
What is your ideal writing environment (busy coffee shop, silent home office, the train, dark pub, etc.)?
I need quiet to write. So a cozy home office close to a bathroom and plentiful snacks would be ideal.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
I’ve sometimes thought that being a forensic genetic genealogist would be a rewarding career.
What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?
One where I’ve smiled a lot and gone to bed exhausted but at peace.
Advice on creating that you’ve learned by trial and error?
Boundaries are freeing. When I’m trying to write a story, there are so many possibilities. There are actually too many possibilities, and the open-ended choice can be paralyzing. But if I’m given a prompt or a set of guidelines, my creative brain will breathe a sigh of relief and get to work.
Read the Fall 2024 issue here!
Nissa Harlow lives in British Columbia, Canada where she dreams up strange stories and writes some of them down. She is the author of a number of novels and novellas, all embellished with a touch of the fantastic. You can find her online at nissaharlow.com.