Here at Weird Lit, we share an appreciation for divergent thinking and nuanced ideas. The divisive nature of modern American culture often rejects such notions. This rejection makes sense: a citizenry that continues to behave in rigid, predictable ways remains easy to control. As a society of pacified consumers, we’re expected to consume, not question. To concern ourselves wholly with the machine’s incessant churning of celebrity gossip and unboxings of shiny new tech.
Despite what the powers that be would like the masses to believe, we cannot model ourselves after the binary quality of technology—we’re made of flesh and bone and stardust, not ones and zeroes, after all. While the pressure to conform is ever-present, freethinkers know better. We look to the weird for liberation, believing freedom springs from penumbral spaces.
Writers of weird lit provide us with illumination and escape—vital ingredients for progress and growth. The evolution of human thought carries us to alternate realities and unknown dimensions. Stories borne of previously unexplored corners of imagination teach us new ways to love and grieve. Our trust in unfettered curiosity offers us a third and fourth choice where there once existed only one or none. Weird lit takes us beyond right and wrong, left and right, ones and zeroes.
As you read the stories we publish here at Weird Lit, appreciate their weirdness and yours. Nurturing the weird within is a powerful starting point on the path to personal revolution.