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3 min read
Interview with Jane McBride
At the risk of sounding pretentious, I can’t not write. It’s simply not an option.

2 min read
Building Weird Communities
Photo by Dan Parlante Weird Lit Mag’s mission goes beyond showcasing weird fiction. We also aim to build community. This is not a new...

6 min read
Interview with Tom Busillo
When it’s hard, I try not to press too much, try to shut off my self-censor, and just keep trying to get words down.

2 min read
“Occultation” by Laird Barron | Weird Story Review
Personally, I don’t want to give up on the cosmic tortoise, and I trust that once you read that section, you won’t either.

2 min read
Interview with R.T. Ester
I think what keeps me going is I just enjoy being in my own head a little too much.

3 min read
Interview with Daniel A. Rabuzzi
One's muse(s) are mercurial but do respond to regularly scheduled visiting hours at one's writing desk.

3 min read
The Long Good-bye, or How I Miss California
I don’t remember if I addressed the ocean in my rear view mirror all those years ago, but I know a part of me never left.

2 min read
Beautiful & Strange | Interview with Lexi Franciszkowicz
Collect images, snippets of conversation, chance encounters. Pay attention to the world. It is beautiful and strange.

2 min read
Weird Story Review: Sayaka Murata’s “A First-Rate Material”
”A First-Rate Material,” like much of Murata’s work, inspires questions about intimacy, existential dread, and conformity.

3 min read
Pure Chaos | Interview with Amanda Mitzel
If you try to ignore the creative side of you, or put it on hold, you will eventually break open like a dam.

5 min read
Lead Your Own Riot | Interview with Ken Poyner
Trust your own opinion, lead your own riot, even if it is only a small riot.

7 min read
Featured Author Jon Swihart
To approach the darkness of life from a humorous lens is to reverse the power dynamic of reality.

1 min read
Weird Lit is a Personal Revolution
Weird lit takes us beyond right and wrong, left and right, ones and zeroes.

3 min read
The Itch to Write | Interview with Nic Marna
There is no one way to do anything, there’s just your way.

5 min read
Fuel for the Imagination | Interview with Jon Swihart
Catch inspiration when you can, sure, but most of the time you’re too distracted to know what’s good for you. Just sit down and work.

2 min read
Digital Read: Chaotic Merge Magazine
Chaotic Merge is one of those (digital) journals that offers a selection of work that I'm delighted to read.

2 min read
Compelled to Write | Interview with Nissa Harlow
Boundaries are freeing.

2 min read
Mirthless Adverbs | Interview with Heather Pegas
Sometimes I get that itch though, an idea I just have to stop and dictate to myself, and then I know I’m going for a wild ride.

2 min read
Recommended Book: The Lost Scrapbook by Evan Dara
The majority of the book is a lovely and haunting mix of glimpses into a lot of lonely people's minds.

4 min read
History & the Current Moment | Interview with Kevin B
I give myself very reasonable writing goals so I find that I'm never lecturing myself on "falling behind."
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